It’s been a few years since we’ve had a “whole number” upgrade, but the changes we’ve made to COATSsql are big enough to qualify. Every aspect of COATSsql has several enhancements or improvements: Employees, Clients, Job Orders, Payroll, Banks, AP, AR, GL, Reports, Integrated Solutions and Maintenance.
We’re especially proud of the paperless invoicing options and the addition of two new reports to help you identify payroll fraud. (We’ll post on the second one later this week.) But you might be entranced by the enhanced speed of finding clients, the new adjustment options in GL/Budget or even the addition of a second address line for employees to most reports.
As always, the upgrade to Version 4.0 is included in your license and renewal package. So log in to the Customers Only site and get the latest edition of COATSsql!