If you heard a cry of pure relief somewhere on the East Coast last week, that was our Communications Director learning that we’ve decided to change the topic of our upcoming 4-week Summer Camp from the Affordable Care Act to job posting best practices.
It’s not that the ACA isn’t important (Lord knows it is!), but it’s still in so much transition that whatever information we published on the Summer Camp might be no-longer-correct in a week or two. And the only thing worse than having no information is having wrong information!
So instead we’re going to be focusing on something that’s just as important to staffing: job posting best practices.
Week 1: Questions to ask your client to get the best posting possible – and what you can’t put in a job posting
Week 2: Writing the posting to target the right candidates
Week 3: Special tips for online posting (or, using SEO to attract the best candidates)
Week 4: How to do all of this within COATS
If there’s anything you’ve ever wondered about job postings, let us know and we’ll answer it during this Summer Camp. We’re currently looking at a July 7 start date, so please let us know ASAP!