The Importance of Correct Data

Keep your data on target for best results

Today’s post is by Jessica Barber, one of our Tech Support Specialists. When you’re working with software, what is entered in will be what comes out. For example, “June” in is “June” out, while “Jume” in is… nothing. (The exception to this is Autocorrect, where “Jume” in becomes “pony” somehow.) Entering Employees and Clients to […]

Fun at Work: Yes, It Does Exist!

Who said work couldn’t also be fun?! After doing some research, “FUN AT WORK” seems to become the new way of work that has not missed COATS.

Save Time, Money and Trees

Portal, like the one COATS provides

An employee portal can revolutionize your payroll day, payroll questions and year-end, and save lots of postage and time on the phone.