COATS Options: Local Loading vs. Online Hosting
One of the ways you can customize COATS is to select how you want your files to be stored: locally on your servers, or online, on ours.
COATS Options: Purchasing vs. Leasing
To lease or not to lease? That is the question. We’ve got the answer, and as usual, it’s all about what your business needs right now.
COATS’s Top Time-Saving Features (part 2 of 2)
In addition to the time-saving features built into the software itself, COATS’s partners can save you time and boost your business, too.
COATS’s Top Time-Saving Features (1 of 2)
COATS keeps adding improvements and updates to boost your efficiency and save time. Here are some features that will enhance your workday.
Training: Where, When & What?
Today’s post is by Jessie Sierra, our Sales Manager.
For you newbies out there and you “oldies but goodies” who may not have realized: you can always find the latest training dates and times right here. Not only does it show our training dates, it also lists free webinars, and who doesn’t love free?