COATS’s New ACA Tools – in Beta!
The main feature of COATSsql version 4.6.0 is the new ACA tools we’ve created to help you manage these tough new regulations.
The New ACA Forms Are Here! Woo Hoo!
The IRS has released draft versions of 4 ACA forms that relate to reporting information about health care coverage and costs for employers!
July 2014 Legal Roundup
Learn the latest developments in what’s covered under the FMLA, plus other news from the world of employment law in July’s legal roundup.
Affordable Care Act: Who Has to Be Covered in 2015?
The staffing industry tends to involve a lot of Variable employees. We’ll discuss who they are and where they stand with the ACA.
ACA Employer Mandate: How Large Is Large?
At the ASA Staffing Law Conference, one of the hottest topics was the employer mandate part of the ACA. What makes a Large Employer?
Summer Camp Change: Now It’s Job Posting
We’ve decided to change the topic of our upcoming 4-week Summer Camp from the Affordable Care Act to job posting best practices.