COATS’s Top Time-Saving Features (part 2 of 2)
In addition to the time-saving features built into the software itself, COATS’s partners can save you time and boost your business, too.
#4 – The U.S. Treasury Agrees: Payroll Cards Beat Paper Checks
The #4 post in our countdown reaffirms that paycards like Global Cash Card are totally the way to go – even the U.S. Treasury agrees!
COATS Cases: Intelligent Employment Solutions
“I love working with the team of COATS. They make it easy; even when there’s an issue, they’re always trying to find a solution for you. I don’t see me ever jumping ship. It’s a great company and they make a great product.”
Coats Cases: Applied Staffing Solutions
Brenda Harris, Staffing Division Manager of Applied Staffing Solutions in Reno, discovered the power of COATS Staffing Software when she implemented its built-in features and value-added options. COATS’ options enable her staff to focus on building valuable long-lasting business relationships, which is the core to Applied Staffing Solutions’ success.
The U.S. Treasury Agrees: Payroll Cards Beat Paper Checks
The migration from paper to plastic benefits the people who issue the checks and the people who receive them, and payroll debit cards are no exception.