The New ACA Forms Are Here! Woo Hoo!
The IRS has released draft versions of 4 ACA forms that relate to reporting information about health care coverage and costs for employers!
June 2014 Legal Roundup
The lessons: pay your workers the wages they’re due, you don’t have to accommodate an ADA leave longer than 6 months and be nice to moms.
Affordable Care Act: Who Has to Be Covered in 2015?
The staffing industry tends to involve a lot of Variable employees. We’ll discuss who they are and where they stand with the ACA.
ACA Employer Mandate: How Large Is Large?
At the ASA Staffing Law Conference, one of the hottest topics was the employer mandate part of the ACA. What makes a Large Employer?
Affordable Care Act: Tracking Employees
When deciding whether to offer insurance, it helps to know how many people you’d have to cover. We’ve got a report for that!
Two New Delays to Affordable Care Act
Earlier today, the US Treasury Department announced two major modifications to the “employer” end of the Affordable Care Act: Businesses that employ 50-99 full-time equivalent workers (FTEs) will have until Jan. 1, 2016, to offer minimum coverage (or pay a fine). This is a delay of 1 year. Businesses that employ 100 or more workers will still […]