Affordable Care Act: Who Has to Be Covered in 2015?
The staffing industry tends to involve a lot of Variable employees. We’ll discuss who they are and where they stand with the ACA.
ACA Employer Mandate: How Large Is Large?
At the ASA Staffing Law Conference, one of the hottest topics was the employer mandate part of the ACA. What makes a Large Employer?
Saying Goodbye to Windows XP
Microsoft will no longer support Windows XP after April 8. Here’s what that means for users of Windows XP and COATS.
Be Prepared for Hurricane Season
When preparing for a hurricane, don’t forget to protect your data as well as your offices and your employees.
COATS Options: Purchasing vs. Leasing
To lease or not to lease? That is the question. We’ve got the answer, and as usual, it’s all about what your business needs right now.
Got a Question? There’s a Document for That
You don’t always have to call tech support when you’ve got a question about COATS. We’ve got documents available to help you 24/7.