National Employee Benefits Day is next Monday, April 4. (Only 6 more shopping days!) The theme this year, as chosen by the International Foundation of Employee Benefits Plans, is “communicating your benefits plan to your employees.” For staffing companies, this holiday offers two sets of opportunities for awesomeness.
For your staff members, conduct a little research (also known as “asking around”) to see if everyone knows what your benefits plan includes and doesn’t include. If they’re not very clear on the plan, now would be a great time to set up some ways of communicating with them about your benefits. You can use online tools, printed materials and face-to-face meetings.
You might also get some input on what benefits your employees would like, and what better time than National Employee Benefits Day to implement a new benefit or two? It might be something as simple as Jeans Friday, or Bring Your (Housebroken) Pet to Work Day. You might also want to look into telecommuting for employees whose work can be mobile, since it can save your company money and make employees happier.
For the benefits you offer your associates, make sure associates and candidates know about them, and make sure your clients and prospects do too. The benefits you offer contingent workers can make you a more attractive vendor to potential clients because they can make a company’s blended workforce seem more seamless.
You can communicate benefits to your associates the same way you do to your employees: using printed materials distributed during the application or interview process, promoting your benefits on your website and social media outlets, and making sure all your placement specialists are discussing benefits with candidates during their interviews.
When it comes to keeping track of how your associates use benefits, COATS Staffing Software can help you out. COATS tracks the use of vacation time, sick time and paid time off. And if you offer health insurance through Essential StaffCARE, COATS integrates seamlessly. To learn more about how to make COATS Staffing Software part of your benefits program, contact us today.
What kinds of experiences have you had with communicating benefits to employees and associates? Let us know in the comments!