Having been in the staffing industry for more than 35 years, I came to understand that sales and prospecting for new clients never stops. You can never have too many clients, but you can have the wrong clients.
You know, those are the clients with the lowest margin and the highest level of service required. The clients that call you several times per day. The ones who don’t understand that you do have other employees and customers to also serve on occasion. The customers who require a high level of experience in their employees, yet don’t want to pay a fair wage to your associates?
What does a good client look like?
These are the clients you would love to replace with those who appreciate the work you do for them, understand your employee’s pay rate directly impacts the performance they will receive and know your time is as valuable as theirs. This is one of the main reasons why staffing agencies are always prospecting for new clients. Having multiple smaller clients is typically more advantageous than serving a handful of large clients.
At Reliance Staffing & Recruiting, we were always looking at new and different ways to market our staffing agency. We developed a new logo, updated our website, created more than one brochure and marketing flyers, worked on social media, left business cards with goodies and created follow-up campaigns. Email marketing was always a part of selling and remains so today.
It’s not an easy world to sell in right now
Today, what grabs my attention the most is the shortest and most “to the point” emails that usually include a link directly to an example of what the writer is referencing. They grab my attention much more than the long drawn out emails with the several automated follow-ups you receive after. What’s worse are the texts you can also get if you signed up for the 20% off coupon.
Finding good staffing customers is hard work
Timerack (the time & attendance staffing agency expert) shares, “As I’m sure you know, finding good staffing agency clients requires constant work. While there’s no set formula for achieving this, there are plenty of best practices that staffing agencies can follow which will help give them every possible advantage. From putting together the perfect personalized email outreaches to creating a well-planned social media marketing strategy, these techniques can help you attract the right types of clients.”
Templates to use now to market your Staffing Agency
I really liked Timerack’s ebook to help your staffing agency with marketing for new customers. They explore some of the best practices when it comes to attracting new clients. Even better, they provide real examples or templates of client prospecting emails that you can actually use today. Here’s the link to receive the ebook from Timerack!
Timerack and COATS Staffing Software have partnered to bring you an all-inclusive front and back office system to handle all of your staffing agency’s daily operations. Your staffing agency has two clients, your employees and your clients. An effective staffing agency continually recruits new employees and prospects for additional customers. Ensure you partner with the right vendors to make a lasting impression on both after you’ve invested the time and money to acquire them.